Ready, Set, Splendid Spoon: How to stay healthy when you’re on the go

Ready, Set, Splendid Spoon: How to stay healthy when you’re on the go

If you follow me on any type of social media, you’ve seen me boast about Splendid Spoon. It’s time I explain why. This company has given me the confidence to not be embarrassed about my “picky eating” and changed my life for the better. My 

Wellness in a bottle: La Vie Probiotic Juice Cleanse

Wellness in a bottle: La Vie Probiotic Juice Cleanse

In my never ending quest to find the most effective, natural cleanse it’s safe to say the hunt is finally over. Ironically, the solution was closer to home than I thought. La Vie is a local juicery in Santa Cruz whose mission is to “provide 

The Mother Of All CBD Companies: Neurogan CBD

The Mother Of All CBD Companies: Neurogan CBD

I’ve always found it so interesting how you learn a new phrase or what something means then all of sudden this word/phrase is popping up everywhere in your life. It’s like the universe is almost toying with you saying “see, this has been here the 

Rethinking Healthy Skin From the inside out: TULA Probiotic Skin Care

Rethinking Healthy Skin From the inside out: TULA Probiotic Skin Care

I took my skin on vacation last week and traveled to the land of skin care. While there, I found paradise. Skincare paradise also goes by the name of TULA, a cruelty-free, natural skin care line that gives probiotics an whole new meaning. I came back 

Nourish with Natalia 3-day Detox: A Cleanse That Won’t Make You Feel Like You’re Dying

Nourish with Natalia 3-day Detox: A Cleanse That Won’t Make You Feel Like You’re Dying

For those of you who have tried juice cleanses, your stomach may already be cringing reading this. Do not fret, this cleanse knocks out the stereotype. It promotes a healthy body and cleanses your system to leave you feeling rejuvenated, lean, and refreshed. Oh! You also don’t 

How to be a Bronzed Goddess Year Round: COOLA Tan Lotion

How to be a Bronzed Goddess Year Round: COOLA Tan Lotion

Winter is great until January. Winter Wonderland December has past and January leaves you broke, unhealthy, and pale. You are getting hardcore spring vibes but the weather refuses to cooperate and all of the things mentioned in the sentence above has you guessing your springtime